Natural Connection for Newborns

 The Importance of a Natural Connection for Newborns

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Mother Nature is awesome; she takes care of all living things and we humans need a solid connection with all things natural, which starts at birth. Of course, the most important connection is that between mother and baby, which begins during pregnancy and bonding really starts from the moment mum holds her newborn.

Natural fabrics

Cotton is the best fabric for newborns and when it is time for walking, order a few pairs of SoleSox that protect baby’s feet while keeping that barefoot connection. Indeed, everything you need for your new arrival is available online and by focusing on products made with natural ingredients, you are maintaining that essential connection with nature. There are a few companies that make bamboo fabric, which is ideal for babies.

Toys & learning resources

Wood is a wonderful material and many toys and learning resources are crafted from wood; from wooden blocks to the colourful picture books you look at together, natural materials are also safer than synthetic materials, another good reason to surround your child with things made with natural ingredients. Bamboo is a wonderful material that can be used in so many ways, bamboo feeding bowls and spoons are an example of ways to keep nature on hand.

Protecting the immune system

If a baby is surrounded by natural things, they are less likely to come into contact with pathogens; we all know that toddlers put everything in their mouth, which is a natural way to explore unknown things, and by using natural materials, we are reducing the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens.


Babies can be introduced to water at a very early age; indeed, some mothers give birth in water and it does not traumatise the baby. There are a lot of resources online about introducing toddlers to water, which seems to be natural. One of the benefits is the ability to keep oneself afloat, which leads to swimming, every human being should be able to swim 500m, which could save your life.

Lotions, potions and creams

Every mother needs these skincare products and for baby, you need mild products that are 100% natural in composition. Always read the label carefully when buying anything for a baby and avoid chemicals that could be harmful.

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