
A Guide To Selecting Lenses For Your Glasses

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Selecting Your Glasses’ Lenses The Right Way!

Recently, when I arrived on a super stylish frame while shopping for glasses over the internet, the next step involved selecting the type of lens. On being redirected to the lens selection page, I was left amazed by the range of options available. From lens type to lens coating, to the thickness of the lens, I was provided with multiple options under each section. And I came across the same thing on every site that I visited.

If you too are planning to buy glasses – whether online or offline, here is a guide on the different options that you have when it comes to selecting the lens. And if you wish to make incredible savings, online glasses are what you need to give a try. Read on!

Single Vision Lenses

As the name suggests, single vision lenses are used when there is a need for eyesight correction for a single condition – either nearsightedness or farsightedness. The lenses are customised with the individual’s prescription eyeglasses and both of them may contain the same prescription or can even vary. Unarguably, single vision lenses are the most widely used type of lens.

Non-prescriptive Lenses

Since glasses are one of the most sought after fashion accessories in present times, glasses with non-prescriptive lenses are also selling like hotcakes. Also known as fake glasses, these pairs are used by those who don’t need glasses for any underlying medical condition of the eye. They are a wonderful fashion statement and hold the ability to up your style game perfectly.

Varifocal Lenses

Also known as progressive lenses, these advanced lenses are designed with multiple focal points so that eyesight correction can be provided for a range of distances. Whether it is eyesight correction for distant objects, or for reading things close up, or even intermediate distance such as working on a computer, varifocal lenses have got you covered.

Varifocals perform this function with seamless transition in vision when shifting the focus of eyes between different distances. They have three different visibility zones for different ranges of distances – namely, near, far, and intermediate – assigned in a manner such that you don’t have to manually adjust your glasses.

Varifocals are an advancement of bifocal lenses and there are two major differences between these two types of lenses. While bifocals have two visibility zones, varifocals have an extra one in the form of an intermediate zone. Also, the boundaries separating the different visibility zones are visible to the naked eye in the case of bifocal, but not visible when it comes to varifocals.

So if you are someone who requires eyesight correction for both nearsightedness and farsightedness simultaneously, the advanced varifocal lenses are your ideal selection.

Blue Light Lenses

Digital wellbeing is a general concern nowadays among the common public and it is something that is affecting a lot of us. The rapid pace of digitalisation has led to an increased dependence on digital screens, even for necessary work at many times. Unhealthy screen time is one of the major components of digital wellbeing, and medical experts all across the globe are concerned about this.

Digital screens emit blue light, which is a component in the visible spectrum of light that corresponds to high frequency levels. With high screen time, our exposure to blue light is excessive, which might cause harm to our eyes resulting in conditions like eye strain, dry eyes, and fatigue, among others.

Blue light glasses are what you need to significantly minimise the amount of blue light entering our eyes. If you too are using digital screens for long durations, you should firstly focus on cutting down the usage wherever possible, and also put on a pair of blue light blocking glasses while facing digital screens to keep your eyes protected.

Sunglasses Tints

Sunglasses are a must-have outdoor eyewear to prevent UV rays from causing harm to the eyes. Apart from their amazing utility, they are also a solid fashion accessory. And all of you must be knowing that sunglasses perform the function of UV protection with the types of lenses that they utilise.

Fitted with lenses that have UV protective coating, sunglasses block UV rays from passing through the lenses and striking the eyes. Even 100% UV protection is a possibility, provided you look out for pairs that provide protection from both UVA & UVB rays.

Photochromic Lenses

If you find carrying two separate pairs of eyewear (glasses and sunglasses) for your indoor and outdoor needs inconvenient, transition lenses will solve all your problems.

These 2-in-1 lenses are inbuilt with the ability to adjust to light rays falling over them and change the colours of their tints according to the intensity of these light rays.

Also known as transition lenses, they are fully clear when you are indoors in the absence of UV rays. Once you move outdoors in bright sunny conditions, UV rays will meet the surface of these lenses, and they will immediately adopt a tinted appearance. Transition lenses not only undergo a change in appearance but also serve the function of sunglasses when you are outdoors.

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