class 10th Math Olympiad 

All about class 10th Math Olympiad 

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Mathematics is a subject that plays a vital role in not only our educational curriculum but also has a massive reflection in our day-to-day lives. It is being used in grocery stores to restaurants for bill purposes, it has a good wide arena. From managing money by balancing the bank accounts to buying vegetables from a local vendor, the concept of math swiftly revolves around our lives in a manner that we can not deny at all.

Solid mathematical concepts will help your mind to encounter those significant life problems thoroughly from which one will have to go through and that is the truth of life we are living.

For the students to get more and more interested towards this particular subject or such subjects, schools are hereby on regular duty to conduct contests, quizzes and brain alarming activities. One such kind we will be talking about here is the Olympiads, more precisely Math Olympiad.

Math Olympiad is being considered as one of the greatest of all competitive exams for students in class 1st to 10th, as it is one of the major ones.

What is an Olympiad?

The organization of Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) conducts such competitive exams on national and international levels for the students in schools particularly. It not only sharpens the minds of kids but will also let them identify their potential and interest in the field they want to work with in future. The questions you have to deal with will be of multiple-choice questions/ objective types, where you will be given a 60-minute duration to solve your respective paper. Generally, the question paper is being set around the syllabus of NCERT only but the questions will ne difficult do yes one can go beyond that for their good.

What is the Math Olympiad?

Math Olympiad is one of the first initiated Olympiad which was accepted by the whole schooling industry and appreciated by all the majors. As a result of its success, many such Olympiads were queued including the national science olympiad, English olympiad, cyber olympiad, etc.

Math Olympiad will not only mend your mind in the most diverse manner around the numbers and signs but will also help you to be quick with calculations which undoubtedly is a plus point if you are thinking of approaching other examinations such as JEE or CAT. If your goal is clear and also if you are stuck in respect to choosing your career, one should always opt for such examinations at the basic level as it has that given tendency which will allow you to have a clear vision for sure without any harm.

Talking about age group, class 10th has an age group of around 14 years which is a group of mouldable students who are considered to be at least a bit focused about their future endeavours.

Here we will be discussing tips on how you can prepare for the Math Olympiad if you are a student of class 10th and are eager to get a good outcome out of it.

  1. Sincerely make a timetable

A certain strict or sorted behavior towards your study material is a win-win situation if you have that urge to move ahead with flying colors. Making a timetable and getting glued to the one will not only help you to stay focused but also will lend a hand to completing your syllabus in time. Give dates to portions first and get on it accordingly, which will lead you to the completion of chapters on legitimate time, plus on a bonus you will have an extra span for revision.

  1.   Go extra beyond NCERT with Olympiad booklets

The syllabus which is opted for Math Olympiad or any other Olympiad is basically from NCERT only, but nothing harmful to go a little bit off track if you have that given extra time with yourself. Olympiad books which are available in the market will give you an idea about the assumable questions you should have to deal with and for which you have to be prepared.


  1.   Notes making

Note making is considered as one of the healthiest habits if you are into any kind of examinations which will help you in the end moments as well. Getting started with your syllabus portion-wise and making easy little notes with bullet points, trust me will act as a saviour. Compile it together and go through it daily to keep memory afresh.


  1.   Previous year question papers

Going through question papers of previous years will polish you according to the curriculum which will give you an idea about how to prepare and what to prepare. From the kind of questions, you will have to deal with to the time management, these will be of great help which one should opt for definitely at the last.


  1.   Apply with a healthy mindset

Some students get pretty anxious on the examination day. Carrying the right attitude ahead is a must that will make you confident enough. Start with a good kick with sorting your portions with a timetable and end it with mock tests and question papers. Talking about the study material, there are numerous amounts already out which you can refer to. Try to be calm and patient rather than juggling between exam anxiety and the tendency to be scared.

You should Solve previous year class 10th Math Olympiad question paper for practising the type of questions that are asked in the exam.


Math Olympiad is a key that will open your nerves in the very right manner which will not only reflect in your vision career-wise but also broaden your mind respectively. Never miss a chance to appear for such competitive exams, they will give you that boost and lead for sure. A major advantage of Math Olympiad is that it will make you know your interest towards this particular subject and will try its best to show you a crystal clear way for your future options such as for JEE or any other exam you want to opt for. You should go to the olympiad with a mindset of learning new things that will help you in making your future more bright.

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